I have combined all of my previous code into a single script. There are no delays included so any button presses will not be missed due to the code waiting at the delay. The lights are activated once the points reach a certain threshold and the flipper drops from 50V to 5V to avoid the coil burning out (these are both described in more detail in previous blog posts).
In future, I would like to change my code to switch statements so the if/else statements that have already been confirmed do not need to be asked each loop. Additionally, since the Arduino uno does not have enough pins for the full pinball machine I would like to eventually use shift registers to control the different pins. Working Code with Lights, Point Calculation, and Flipper Actuation
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Arduino Electrical Schematic
Arduino circuits
Attached is the functional code for the flippers, the lights, the point calculators, and the display.
Aesthetic plan ![]()
Alanna ManfrediniA blog of my progress and process of making a Pinball Machine |